Remember when I said I’m a fiddler? Well, I went ahead and fiddled. You may notice I spruced things up a bit. Take a look around, it’s still a work in progress but I’m pretty happy with it. When I’m not busy having an adorable child, I’m out recording podcasts with John Ryan Cantu.

We knew the world was begging to hear our thoughts on anything and everything, so we decided to create Epic Conversations.

What is it about? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Welcome to Epic Conversations! The show that gets deep, shallow, serious, funny, emotional, and quirky all in one conversation. We cover anything from family life, work, ministry, politics, theology, hobbies, and just life in general. We welcome you to be a part of our laid back EPIC conversation.

Our very first episode, aptly titled, “Our Very First Episode” was recorded one week before Jonah was born so listen in on the epic conversation we had regarding fatherhood and what to expect.

Epic Conversations is available on iTunes1,, Pocket Casts, and even Google Home and Apple HomePod. Just say “Hey Siri/Google, play Epic Conversations podcast.” I haven’t tried those two yet since I don’t have either, but I can imagine that it’s pretty epic. Or you can subscribe by adding our feed to your favorite podcast player.

We hope you enjoy our first of many Epic Conversations.

  1. We already have a 5-star review, just saying. ↩︎

  2. My podcast player of choice. ↩︎